Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Working Family

When I got out here the first thing I did was get me a job so that I could help out.

“Mom, you never did tell me that your mother lived in a sod house.”
I guess I hadn't gotten around to just pass the word along.

We had to mind.
I learned to do everytthing that was being done.

I thought at the time I had been old enough,
but as time went by I thought it might be handy
if I had asked my mother a few things.

We thought that was pretty fine.

All the time I was working at picking potatoes
I was keeping my eyes open to see what was available
to see if I could better myself to move onto a better job.

So I did move along.

That's always worked out pretty well for me.
I don't know whether we had any notice or not.
When the war was over they were through with us.

They didn't know what to do.
They had to be showed.

I never wanted too much along those lines.

I can't seem to remember that.
It must be awful different
they have different ways of doing things.

Pretty dreary.
Pretty quiet.
The same people were around there
that were there when you left.

It was better for all of us.


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