Monday, January 08, 2007

Dr. Locke

so called because it enables us to see
forceps on the keystore counter
avalanche escapes under duress
hidden glances across sight lines

minute cells constitute flexible excuse
for private contactors hired to interrogate
medical students in Cairo - locked up
Americans by birth - locked in, locked

(as if nationality meant protection)
(watch out / the rubber might break)

no excuses: a forty-year old drum player
told me he drew very similar conclusions
from straightedge Anti-Fascists (lockstep)
in this family the branches terminate

(she killed herself when he was twelve)
(he drowned in a shallow pool) mea culpa

how do you tabulate loss? (instant precision)
serve estabished shell, separate world wars
base mandibles on genetic homage (locked)
to evacuated membranes (escape again escape)


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